Stitch Along with Inner Hooker

If your new at crochet or still learning (like me) or both (also like me) then a great place to start is here:

Inner Hooker’s Stitch Along

Weekly she is offering new things to learn and create. You can click the link about to find her page and the wonderful items within.

She’s week 2 into the stitch along, however as she says, you don’t have to do them all if you don’t want or need to.  I’m looking forward to the cluster stitch, as that’s a new stitch for me.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Wanderings of a Crafty Mind…

This past few days have been all about wandering all over the great world-wide web and finding new ideas, new patterns, new people, new this or new that..

If you haven’t been; GO!! Why are you still here??? Ha! It’s awesome and I am soo very addicted at this point and of course in the process, found all sorts of places that I hadn’t seen or heard of and visited some I’d been negligent of.  If you’d like to take a peek at mine you’ll find it here:

and if you go and visit or are already there, do share yours! I’d love to go have a peek at your pins!

My favs for finding / inspiration/ or just plain getting lost in the wanderings of a crafty mind are: and

And many many more talented and wonderfully generous bloggers  (some of which you’ll find listed here) that share their time and talents with us daily, weekly, monthly to help the wandering crafty mind find peace and inspiration.

Having said crafty mind does all sorts of things. Jack of all trades, master of nothing you could say, however in my travels around the web my crochet oriented side had this idea that perhaps we should learn how to knit as well. Now, I’m no master crochet artist. I am self-taught and even now I’ve only been at it religiously or so for a little over a year so for my crafty mind to conspire against me and want to knit as well..she claims there are so many cute things out there that can be knit too and what’s learning a new something or other for an old dog. We’ll see if it’s a new trick or not.

I hope if your reading this, you have a fabulous weekend, wherever you are!

Enjoy your travels

Sun, Shade & Blow away yarn

Well, went to my bff’s yesterday and we did a farmer’s market sale with our handmade items.

It was great to get to hang out with her all day for a change but omg it must have been 1000 degrees outside!!! Luckily we had a canopy that she has for the shade/sun but goodness the heat index had to have been 150!  There was a nice breeze that kept us moving as well, as all my lightweight goodies kept blowing away….we chased more of my items than sold them..LOL!

We both made a little bit, which is better for me than last time, my items just didn’t move last time.

I’m getting real tired of hearing “oh how cute” as people pick up my creations, fondle the crap out of them and then walk off. If you’re gonna cop a feel at least buy it???? Just sayin…

I guess I’m going to have to take a long hard look now at what moves and what isn’t; but of course we’re also fixing to come into the changing of the seasons (which is Texas is somewhat of an oxymoron) and think about what’s currently moving (even if slowly) and what will move with fall/winter headed this way.

I really want my little business to be successful; even tho I know I’m not going to get rich off it, I still would like to know that I create things that people like and want to have. I guess I’ll have to do some more serious soul-searching on that one.

Hope everyone has a fabulous week & Happy Hooking!


Granny Square Fixation…..

I make it a regular habit to browse the net looking for new and improved crochet ideas and patterns for me to continue to learn and experiment with my crochet love. Soo as I’ve been wondering around of course you see all the various patterns and variety of Granny Squares. I personally LOVE them!!! They are so sweet and with all the different colors and varieties…they make wonderful eye candy!
Having said that I found a wonderful site that I refer to on a regular basis that has very easy to follow patterns, especially for my newest fixation.

I have decided that much like Carina did; I will make a commitment over the next 30 days to do at least 2 granny squares each day. If I manage more, all the merrier but on my busy days at least 2! I will post here as per the progress made with the hopes of having a wonderful granny square afgan to cover my bed with. 
Today’s 2 squres thus far:
(and officially the very first two squares i’ve ever crocheted)

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