Barefoot Who?

It’s the wee hours of the morning here and I’m at my day job..its a little slow at the moment; not that I’m complaining mind you!

There’s a lot going on in my bohemian world right now..and I’m crocheting my fingers off making all my icky little thoughts run for the hills.

Since my blog is new, I’ve subscribed to the WordPress daily email with a “suggested topic” even my over active imagination could use some help sometimes. Today the email was “Why did you name your blog_______; what’s the meaning behind it?”  I thought that was a pretty interesting question considering it makes perfect sense to me but I can see where others would be scratching their heads wondering if I had lost mine.  Adventures of a Barefoot Bohemian is quite obviously me..that’s a given. Adventures are the things that go on in my life and things I embark to try or haplessly fall off into (which does happen).   Barefoot..well if you KNOW know that footwear for me is completely optional unless I can’t get into a store or work without it. I am ALWAYS barefoot..I love shoes..I think they are f a b u l o u s! However, just not on my feet : )  When it’s a must away from work, flip-flops are my choice of its a pair of leather mules…anyone else notice a pattern here?  Bohemian..well that is me. I have been called “hippy” (and we weren’t discussing my mid section) “free-spirited” etc. My oldest son totally digs that people think his mom’s a hippy. I find it totally amusing; but my word of choice is Bohemian.


   [boh-hee-mee-uhn] noun

1.  a native or inhabitant of Bohemia.   (obviously not me as I’m in Texas)
2.  ( usually lowercase ) a person, as an artist or writer, who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices. (very me, I have little regard except that I have grown old enough to know when to tuck that away and play nicely)
3.  the Czech language, especially as spoken in Bohemia(again not me, I’m good with English and some bad words in spanish, korean, and
4.  a Gypsy.  (if you’ve watched my Big Fat Gypsy Wedding at all, so not me however in the sense of wandering from place to place I suppose I fit that description as I have followed my husband around various places in reference to his career at the time)
Thus The Adventures of a Barefoot Bohemian, my life and times barefoot and running around playing life my own way by my own rules and the sometimes hilarity that follows but have no fear at times heartbreak runs amok as well.

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